A well-trained dog will always lead a happier and healthier life and its owner also can enjoy a trouble-free life-long friend. Dog training in basic obedience, house and potty training are truly essential and extremely valuable to a dog’s education and overall welfare.
The popular method of dog training tips and guide would be to give you a list of series of things that you should “Do”. But sometimes the best training methods can start by telling you what should not be done. I think you’ll you agree with me!
This article will give you a list of 18 “Don’ts” when you train your dog. The reasons for the all of these don'ts will become clearer as the lessons continue, and each one will be based upon the unique psychology of the dog's mind.
(Please note: Clicking on the highlighted words will take you to some examples of dog foods and supplements that are in this article.)
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- DON'T punish or reprimand your dog until you’re in control of your emotions. If you are angry or lack control of yourself your dog will pick up on that energy and it will be more difficult to get him to cooperate.
- DON'T punish your dog with the lead or any tool of training. Don’t use anything else he could associate with duty or pleasure or play.
- DON'T sneak up suddenly on your dog or ever grab him from the behind.
- DON'T chase your dog to try to catch him; he must always come to you or run after you. Not the other way around.
- DON'T fool your dog into coming to you and then turn on him with a fierce reprimand or violence. You'll regret that deception.
- DON'T ever trick or fool or taunt your dog. If you are cruel and inconsistent and try to bully your dog, he will lose his trust for you and you won’t be able to get him to do as you ask.
- DON'T punish a dog by hurting him in any way. Don't ever twist his ears playfully or otherwise. Never strike him on the back, in the face or pull his tail. And it is imperative you don’t allow anyone else to treat your dog that way either. They are sensitive creatures and have feelings too.
- DON'T grab your dog or reach for him very quickly so that he always associates your touch in a positive way. He should never fear you, should not be made nervous. He should always feel that any reprimand you give him was well deserved. This is so important for training your dog.
- DON'T constantly nag your dog; don't be giving orders to him over and over again; don't antagonize him with relentless shouting.
- DON'T praise a dog for doing something today, and then later, scold him for doing the same thing. If you allow him to bite your toes today and you think it’s funny, don’t shout at him for doing it tomorrow, when you are not in a good mood. Consistency is a an essential component when training a dog.
- DON'T train your dog immediately or too soon after he has eaten. Let him rest at least a 1/2 hour before you start with your training session.
- DON'T lose patience with a puppy younger than six months. Never handle a puppy roughly or angrily as this can lead to aggression because of fear or you’ll have a very timid and nervous adult dog.
- DON'T train him in exercises that would require a lot of strength or endurance until he is at least six months old.
- DON'T work your dog without some short periods of rest or play periods during training. A five-minute rest for every fifteen minutes of training is desirable. You don’t want to over-do it.
- DON'T permit other people to give your dog his training commands. While you are training him, he has to be a one-man or woman dog. He should be depending on you alone to feed him and care for him. This just solidifies the bond that will be necessary to gain his trust and confidence.
- DON'T consider fancy little tricks to be the main part of training. Usefulness is the true objective you want to instill in all of the instructions you give to your dog. Keeping him safe and in control are the main objectives.
- DON'T expect your dog to be perfectly trained in a matter of a few weeks of training. Each dog learns at their own pace and being consistent and patient will reap great rewards for the both of you. Rest assured that the work is worth the effort. Training never ends.
- DON'T jump to the conclusion that your dog isn’t smart enough to learn. He’ll probably think you may need to learn your lessons better before trying to train him.
In conclusion, try to remember these 18 Don’ts rules, and have fun training your dog. You are well on your way to discovering the magic of your dog’s unfailing loyalty.
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73 Ways to Effortlessly Transform Your Dog Into A More Obedient, Healthier & Happier Pup... PLUS, You'll Discover 39 Amazing Dog Hacks That'll Save You Time, Money & Hours of Frustration.