How To Understand What Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You

How To Understand What Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You

We all talk to our dogs and we like to believe that our dogs talk to us. The fact is they sure do try! The challenge lies in understanding a whole different language from both sides. That's where learning their language will help bridge that communication gap. Your puppy is capable of learning a lot and adult dogs are even more so. They pick up on words, gestures, tone and volume of your voice and so much more. This article will show you the many ways your dog is trying to "talk" to you. So read on.

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Candy's Story Was Featured on Advanced Veterinary Care Center's Blog!

Candy's Story Was Featured on Advanced Veterinary Care Center's Blog!

My sweet Candy gets life-saving treatment at Advanced Veterinary Care Center and is even featured on their Blog due to the extraordinary recovery she made. You'll find the story they posted on their website here, in heart-wrenching detail.

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The 18 Essential Don’ts For A Well Trained Dog

The 18 Essential Don’ts For A Well Trained Dog

Training your dog is a very important part of adopting your pup. In order to have a good relationship it is necessary to strive to understand one another. The best way to do that is to begin training from the start of your relationship. Here you'll get a primer into the first essential DON'TS of training your dog. Believe it or not they are equally as important as all the do's you'll learn in any training method. These are simple, effective and kind rules to follow when interacting with your wonderful loyal companion.

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The Best GPS Collars and Trackers For Your Dog

The Best GPS Collars and Trackers For Your Dog

How To Choose A Great GPS Dog Collar! Finally there's a way for all dog parents and owners to know exactly where their beloved fur kid is 24/7. Gone are the days of losing your precious canine companion. No more lost pet nightmares or injured animals due to the dangers of being left out in the streets without a way to get back home! The best way to secure the safety of your dog is with a high quality GPS dog collar. We'll help you make the best choice.

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5 Great Super Foods for Your Dog's Optimal Health

5 Great Super Foods for Your Dog's Optimal Health

We all want to make sure our furry kids have the best possible life and we certainly know how important their diets are for their optimal health. First let’s look at some familiar super foods we’ve all heard about. I’m going to talk about why they are useful, and how your dog may gain health benefits by including them in his diet. And we’ll also make sure we know enough to gain the most beneficial effects and if there are any precautions at all in any of these ingredients. Then I’ll show you the best ways to incorporate them in the feeding schedule by bringing you a list of different types of dog food that incorporate these super foods in their ingredients.

Although these foods are usually safe to eat you should always consult with your veterinarian to make sure you have the right amounts and dosages appropriate for your dog's own unique nutritional needs.

 (Please note: Clicking on the highlighted words will take you to some examples of dog foods and supplements that are in this article.)

  • Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links for your convenience which means that I will receive a small commission from your purchase at no cost to you. I just want to thank you for any support to our site because it all helps to fund for the care of my rescue animals.

Here are the 5 Superfoods

Chia Seeds

Fish oils





    Chia Seeds Benefits

    What are Chia seeds? These tiny seeds grow in the desert of Central America and come from a plant called Salvia Hispanica, They are believed to have been a staple for ancient Aztec civilizations. Chia has become the popular common name for it nowadays. Hence we call the seeds, Chia seeds. These tiny seeds are best known for the Omega-3 fatty acids they can provide. But they are also rich in dietary fiber as well as protein and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

    Chia seeds can be eaten raw, cooked or hydrated. For our purposes it is best for them to be incorporated into the dog food after they’ve been hydrated. They’ve been known to cause trouble when eaten raw especially if the animal swallows too many at a time and they lodge in his throat. They will begin to swell with the moisture and could be quite dangerous. DO NOT give your pup dry Chia Seeds!

    But when hydrated and cooked these tiny little black pearl-like seeds are perfectly safe and truly beneficial for your fur kid. The benefits are plentiful so let’s take a look.

    Chia seeds have:

    • High fiber content which is essential for proper digestion and elimination of waste. Fiber enables the intestinal tract to work more efficiently in proper nutrient absorption as well.
    • Yet another benefit is a reduction of inflammation due to the Omega-3 Fatty Acid. For dogs with osteoarthritis this will help them have increased joint flexibility and allows them to exercise with less pain and stiffness.
    • Chia seeds are loaded with calcium! Who knew? That’s what makes them an ideal super food for maintaining healthy bones. The bigger dog breeds who suffer from hip dysplasia or spinal issues will certainly benefit from this source of calcium.
    • Interestingly Chia seeds are able to hold 12 times their weight in water. This allows them to satisfy your dog’s hunger for a longer period of time and helps maintain your dog’s ideal weight.
    • Chia seeds are ideal for assisting in proper insulin function. This is an essential health issue regardless of whether your dog has diabetes or not. With regulated insulin levels your dog will feel better and have a better chance of not developing diabetes in the first place.



      Fish Oil Benefits

      • Interestingly fish oil has very similar benefits to our beloved Chia seeds but in addition they can support healthy skin, coat, kidneys, and immune system in dogs.
      • Fish oils can help ease inflammation associated with allergies such as itchy skin, hot spots, and even canine dermatitis.
      • DHA is one of the essential omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils that are very important for the development of puppy’s eyes and brain and when given to a pregnant mother it will help ensure their proper development.

        Blueberry Benefits

          • Blueberries are packed full of healthy nutrients. Just 148 grams or 1 cup contains:
          1. Vitamin K – 32% Daily Value
          2. Manganese – 25% DV
          3. Vitamin C – 19% DV
          4. Dietary Fiber – 3.6 grams
          5. Vitamin B6 – 5% DV
          6. Sugar – 15 grams
          7. Copper 9 % DV
          8. 85 Calories

          • These juicy little berries are full of antioxidants thus preventing free radical damage and may even help prevent cancer in dogs.
          • Blueberries are known for lowering LDL cholesterol levels in a natural way and research has found it is also effective at lowering blood pressure. This combo of benefits makes it ideal for promoting a healthy circulatory system and a strong heart.
          • They are considered a low calorie food and also high in fiber which makes it a good candidate for a weight management supplement. When given in moderation they will be a great alternative snack. Make sure it is a small snack as the high fiber content can cause intestinal issues and in large amounts it becomes a sugary snack which isn’t really healthy.
          • Blueberries are a good source of vitamin K which acts to improve the density of your dog’s bones and really helps an older dog, a working dog or a dog that’s very active.  
          • Blueberries contain a high amount of phenol (gallic acid), which acts as a neuroprotective so adding it to the diet of an older dog would be quite beneficial.


              Pumpkin Benefits

               One cup of cooked pumpkin contains just 49 calories and is loaded with rich vitamins and minerals. It’s got tons of Vitamin A (beta carotene), and lots of potassium which helps regulate blood pressure, improves muscle health, as well as assists in metabolism.  In addition it also has small amount s of Vitamin C, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Folate.


              • Vitamin A is essential for good eye health in your dog and even helps to prevent night blindness and other degenerative eye diseases.
              • The Vitamin C found in pumpkin acts as an antioxidant and when paired with Vitamin A and E this powerful combination may even help prevent certain cancers from forming.
              • By far the most popular benefit of pumpkin has been as a digestive aid. It has a high fiber content as well as great hydrating properties. This makes it an ideal candidate for balancing the intestinal ratio for fiber and moisture to keep this running smoothly. If your pup is constipated or has diarrhea cooked pumpkin is a good superfood supplement to add to his daily meal.


                 Kale Benefits

                •  You wouldn’t  know it by looking at it but Kale is rich in beta carotene which is typically found in orange vegetables but Kale covers it up with its beautiful dark green chlorophyll. Suffice to say it is loaded with Vitamin A much like carrots. It brings just as many health benefits too.
                • Kale also offers a high content of Vitamin C which is yet another powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is known for its immune boosting ability and also as an anti-inflammatory which helps dogs with allergies or weak immune systems.
                • Another benefit in this superfood is the ability to help dogs maintain strong healthy bones due to  the amount of  Vitamn K and Calcium found in Kale. When Kale is added to your dog’s meals it has the ability to provide many wonderful health benefits.


                Our 5 Great Superfoods

                 Chia Seeds, Fish Oils, Blueberries, Pumpkin and Kale are all excellent choices when looking for the types of supplements you’d like to incorporate into your dog’s diet. You can choose to prepare these superfood additions at home or you can purchase meal plans, canned foods, dry food or treats that already have these supplements in them.

                 Below I have picked out some really lovely choices for your convenience. I’m sure your pup will appreciate trying something new and different and you’ll feel better knowing you chose to give her a healthy alternative.

                I'd love to hear from you and see a pic of your wonderful fur kid. You can leave a comment below as well.


                Our Little Leena

                Our Little Leena

                As my husband and I were driving out of our neighborhood one Sunday morning, we spot a small little dog in the middle of a popular street where traffic speed is usually around 45 MPH! She seemed to be trying to eat something off the road right in the middle of both lanes. My heart sank and I was terrified she would get hit by a car if we didn't get to her in time. I asked my husband to quickly park the car on the side of the road and we both got out of the car, not really knowing how we were going to get her to come with us. I had my husband go behind her while I called out to her to come to the sidewalk. Unfortunately she was not happy about our presence and starting barking at us quite loudly. I could tell she was fearful and nervous so we used that to our advantage and basically steered her back into the neighborhood. We were hoping she might look around and try to find her way back home. So we got back in the car and followed her a little bit but it was very clear that she didn't have a clue where she was going. At this point I left my husband near her while I drove back to the house to grab some canned dog food, a fork and a leash. I was hoping her hunger would win over her fear! I was on the phone with my husband and found them not far from where I'd left them.

                Now the question was, how close was she going to let me get? She was a loud and persistent barker warning us to stay away but after a little while and lots of soft talking and slow approaches she let me get close enough to put some of the dog food down. As she came closer I backed away to allow her to gain some confidence and eat. All the while we are asking anyone around us if they knew who she belonged to. Sadly no one knew. I finally was able to feed her right at my side and coaxed her to come and eat right beside my car. At this point I knew I had to act decisively if I was going to have any chance of getting her in the car. The rear side door was already open so in one cautious and gentle swoop I picked her up and put her in the back seat. She was so stunned that she looked like a little statue! LOL! She had no collar she was dirty from being outside and her tiny feet were very rough. All signs that she had been kept out in someone's yard or that she had been on the streets for a while now. My heart ached at the thought that she didn't have a family who could love and care for her. We took her inside and I put her in my master bathroom. I put some soft cozy towels some more food and water and let her rest. We tried looking for her owners. We posted on social media and asked around our neighborhood but turned up nothing. No one was looking for little Leena. ;-(  We initially were going to find a home for her since we already had many other animals but days turned into weeks and weeks turned onto months and she soon became our very sweet, and quirky little fur daughter. We adore her and she is quite the Daddy's Girl these days! So grateful we were able to keep her from harm that day she was on the busy street. 

                One Fateful Night

                One Fateful Night

                Welcome to our very first Pets R Perfect rescue story in which a very scary night gave us a beloved member of our family. It's my hope that this first entry will give you an idea of the sorts of interesting stories you can expect to see in the coming months, and inspire you to share a story of your own!

                One night, many years ago, my daughter and her fiancé were making an evening outing to get some dinner at our local KFC restaurant. While passing a small park not far from where we lived at the time, a small white and black shape suddenly darted across the road in the black of night! Now mind you, this particular stretch of road was not very well lit at all, making it incredibly difficult to see. Even so, my daughter's fiancé was able to tap the breaks just in the nick of time, just barely missing a small fluffy-looking dog who had been mere inches from the front bumper of the car. Before they could react, the small dog had retreated the rest of the way across the street, disappearing from sight.

                Unfortunately, they had multiple impatient vehicles just behind them and my were concerned about pulling over on that particular stretch of road with as dark as it was so my daughter made the fateful decision to call me to recount what had happened and ask me to pass by that park and see if the dog was still there. If I did not see the pup, they would swing by again themselves on the way back and take a second look. The more pairs of eyes searching, the better, after all.

                They were fairly sure they had not actually hit her, but they could not be 100% certain. And beyond that, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't get into the path of yet another car and not be so lucky. And so it was, at almost 8 o'clock at night, I grabbed my keys and bolted out the door to discover the fate of this mysterious little dog for myself.
                As I parked the car I saw no trace of any dog in the area until I looked toward the street and barely visible I see a small furry puppy just sitting by the wooden post fence that bordered the park. I carefully and slowly approached it speaking softly and crouching down as I neared it. My heart was in my throat for fear it would bolt out into the street and go into the traffic. It was already dark and would be impossible to catch it. As I got close and closer I extended my hand and to my shock the puppy just laid on its side looking at me a bit nervously. I seized the opportunity and scooped it up gently. I was worried it might have a broken leg or internal injuries but as soon as I rose and had it in my arms it started to wriggle and wiggle ferociously out of excitement! There was no lack of energy in this little one! So I put it in the back seat of my Saturn Vue SUV and dashed to my vet to see of it was microchipped and I could reunite it with its mom and dad. I could tell that this little baby was someone's cherished pet because she was recently groomed and smelled of a woman's perfume. This made me sad and determined to help her get back home. Yes, this was a very loved little girl. We posted signs on posts in the area and as many social media sites as possible, but weeks went by and it was clear that no one came looking for her. She was pretty crazy for the first couple of months and would race around the house like a Tasmanian Devil...LOL! So much energy!!! But after a while she calmed down and settled in beautifully. That was 12 years ago. She has always been a total sweetheart and incredibly smart. She is mommy's little girl and I couldn't ask for a more wonderful furry daughter. We love you Tammy!